Thursday 27 August 2015


A Final Note

Galileo Galilei was a physicist and mathematician who used his skills and knowledge in the field of astronomy. The Copernican Heliocentric model of the solar system was the his choice of support and it turned out to be the right choice. Through his study and discovery of Jupiter's moons and the phases of Venus, Galilei was able to being to prove that the heliocentric model was correct. Even though his work came under certain strict limitations, Galileo still made a major scientific discovery which changed the way we look at our universe today. Even though his model did face mathematical and technological limitations which can be solved by the devices and knowledge we hold today, it can still be viewed that the heliocentric model put forth by Galileo was as correct as it could be in the time produced with some minor flaws.


 7.2 Disadvantages to Copernicus Model. 2015. 7.2 Disadvantages to Copernicus Model. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2015].

Determining Earth's Orbit. 2015. Determining Earth's Orbit. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2015].

Galileo | Italian philosopher, astronomer and mathematician | 2015. Galileo | Italian philosopher, astronomer and mathematician | [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2015].

2015. . [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2015].

Galileo. 2015. Galileo. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2015].

Venus Phases 2012 - YouTube. 2015. Venus Phases 2012 - YouTube. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2015].

The Galilean Moons of Jupiter. 2015. The Galilean Moons of Jupiter. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2015].

Models of the solar system. 2015. Models of the solar system. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2015].

Nicolaus Copernicus Facts, Quotes, Heliocentric Model, Astronomy Theory. 2015. Nicolaus Copernicus Facts, Quotes, Heliocentric Model, Astronomy Theory. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2015].

Scientific Journals: 

Extended Syllabus. 2015. Extended Syllabus. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2015].

Dairy Entry 6: Modifications to be made with Current Technology


Within the proposed Heliocentric model there are various modifications which can be made and the ways to make these alterations also vary themselves. The main modification lies in the way in which the orbit of the Earth is perfectly circular around the sun. This is false and should accordingly be altered to an epileptic orbit (oval-like in shape). This could have been calculated with a correct knowledge of trigonometry, which was a mathematical limitation as aforementioned. However, this required knowledge of trigonometry was not fully mastered until the 18th century, a time by which Galilei had passed away. 
Mathematical Data Plotter used by NASA

In addition, also to be modified should be the fixed stars being altered to the rest of the universe, a discovery made possible with the technology of spacecraft holding telescopes, the addition of new planets, to be made with high powered or satellite operated telescopes and also adjustments to the timing at which Venus changes phases. This phase changing data to be sketched, timed and measured electronically to ensure exactly accurate results. 
Hubble Space Telescope
These modifications must take place as a result of their discoveries by Issac Newton through the use of newly developed technology.

Diary Entry 5: Limitations due to Technology


Technology is the deciding factor of all scientific models that have been presented not only by Galileo Galilei but any model produced throughout time. The variety and basis of technology which one has present in a certain field dictates the accuracy and extent to which a certain model can be taken. The Copernican Heliocentric model which Galilei followed was simple, in fact it was too simple, in stating that everything orbited perfectly around the sun. This being the model which Galilei set to proof , and therefore believed in, brings up the question of what limitations did Galilei's model have in the time it was produced. In fact, the model has 2 limitations; one being technological and the other mathematical. 

The technological limitations being that of the only technologies available in the 17th century were a telescope which offered up to 30 x magnification (invented or adapted by Galilei) and the naked eye. The naked eye leads to a large amount of discrepancies due to the fact that planets can not be seen for a majority of the time and nor could the moon's which belong to them, but thankfully, Galilei was able to use his extensive knowledge of mechanics to create a telescope, the first telescope in fact, which greatly helped him in his study. However, this telescope heavily lacked magnification power and could not make it past Jupiter and it's moon's, yet alone the edge of our solar system. This low powered telescope also lead to discrepancies within the accuracy of the data retrieved by the study of the phases of Venus. There was also a lack of data plotting technology apart from pen and paper,
The Mathematical limitations were mostly around large amounts of human error in the processing of math along with the concept of physical mathematical not being invented or perfected. The calculations made by Galileo were often wrong and this caused discomfort within the validity of his data at the time. This lack of the development of mathematics made readings quite in accurate. 

Galileo's Drawing of the Moon's of Jupiter

Diary Entry 4: Evaluation of Galileo's Model In comparison to Today's

Assessment of Galileo's Model

The model put forth by Galileo was inevitably going to be flawed due to the technology or lack therefore, which the scientist had available at the time. However, was the model proposed as correct as it could have been with the resources available?
The heliocentric put forth by Galileo was almost and if not, entirely the same as Nicolaus Copernicus' model. This model included the sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and fixed stars. It was also believed to have included the orbits being perfectly circular. This model, which Galileo started to prove was the accurate one, did become the model which we use today, with some adjustments. These adjustments being mentioned in the previous entry but including the fixed stars being, in fact the visible universe, the addition of more planets as well as the addition of elliptical orbits.
This, when taking into account the technology available, may very well have been the most accurate possible model of the solar system or 'universe' at the time to be presented with some minor adjustments and thus, is almost completely correct by these terms. However, in comparison to the model of the solar system today, this model does hold the most important factor which made almost all others completely false, that the sun is at the centre of the universe, but is only partially correct due to its lack of depth.
The evidence and discovery of the phases of Venus and Jupiter's moons being in existence and orbit, do in fact remain strong foundational evidence of the heliocentric and current model today. With only a few minor changes delivered to the phases of Venus, in terms of the accuracy of technology available today in comparison with the 17th century Galileo had at his disposal. Alterations made to Jupiter's moons is the exact knowledge of their orbits and the addition of 60 others.

 Galileo's Telescope              The 64 Moons of Jupiter         The Phases of Venus

At the time, a model as such was proposed due to the assistance of the telescope allowing for the study of the sun's light on Venus, and Jupiter's Moon's which resulted in the belief of a Heliocentric System. Without, the technology available today it is easy to understand why a model with little details but a correct main idea of the Sun being centred was presented (despite the fact it went against the Catholic church).

All in all, the proposed model, taking into consideration the evidence used and the technology available at the time compared to now, was quite accurate to say the most. The model presented by Galileo did not include any idea of how the universe began, which we understand to be the Big Bang Theory today, but did correctly label our solar system as being a heliocentric one with the Sun at the centre which was of great scientific importance and prompted for advancements within the field of Astronomy.

Diary Entry 3: Continued by a Scientist who has found Galileo's Diary


Galileo Galilei passed away on the 8th of January, 1642 in Arcetri, Italy. Galileo's work went on to influence the brilliant minds of Issac Newton, Evangelista Torricelli, Robert Boyle and Vicento Viviani and now almost 400 years later the world, has a clear knowledge of what was then known as our universe but is now only a single solar system, within an infinite amount of galaxies and their stars, most of which are still unknown today. 

The Universe

How has Galileo's Heliocentric Model handled the Tests of Time?

Galileo Galilei was in support of the Heliocentric model which was put forth by Copernicus, and held the Sun at the centre of our universe, with everything else being in a perfect circular orbit to it. Today, the current model of 'our universe' is in fact a heliocentric one, with the Sun being in the centre. However, due to the advancement of technology from just singular telescopes to space telescopes such as Hubble or Spacecraft traveling through space and taking images such as Kepler, our universe of the time of Galileo's existence which consisted of the sun, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus and Mercury, has been discovered to only be a single solar system in the Milky way galaxy. This milky way galaxy being one of billions in a perhaps infinite amount of space. The idea that the universe of had orbits which were perfectly circular, has however been rejected and replaced with the proven idea of elliptical orbits, Some small modifications have also been made to the Heliocentric model, many of which contributed by the supporter named Sir Issac Newton, which includes the addition of planets and/or dwarf planets.
Galileo's findings of Venus' phases were seen to be accurate and are still used today as evidence in support of the heliocentric model. The discovery of Jupiter's moons is also used but almost 60 new moons have been added to the list which was started by Galileo.
However, with only a few incorrect findings when taking into consideration the amount of research and observation Galilei is able to do with his equipment, it can be seen that the model produced was the basis of a correct idea of the Solar system, and Galileo proved this by almost sacrificing his life to the inquisition in support.  Therefore, in regards to the evidence available before and after his research, Galileo presented a fairly correct model, which began as the basis to the correct heliocentric model that is taught today.
Our Solar System today.

Diary Entry 2

January 7, 1610 

The church don't agree with my beliefs. The inquisitions wishes for me to announce to the world around me that we do not live in a heliocentric universe but instead a geocentric one, under which the Earth is at the centre of our universe. However, I am the wiser. I know that the sun lays at the centre of our universe, and that we on the Earth revolve around it, this heliocentric model is one I shall prove is correct, as Nicholas Capernicus had attempted to before myself. Within this model, the Earth revolves around the sun, which is at the centre of the universe. Mercury, Mars, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn all also revolve around the centred sun. 
Galilei's Heliocentric Model

Today I have made observations which have made my support for this model become even more strengthened. My support of the heliocentric model is brought about due to my observation, study and discovery of the phases of Venus and the moons of Jupiter. The heliocentric model developed by Nicolaus Copernicus predicted that all phases of Venus are visible but due to the fact that the sun is at the centre of the universe. Copernicus however, had no physical evidence, but due to my adaption of the spyglass into a telescope, I am able to study Venus and provide this information. During my observation I discovered that all phases of Venus are visible through an illuminated hemisphere of the planet being visible while it was on the opposite side to the Sun in comparison to our Earth. This illumination of course, being from the Sun. The location of Venus orbiting around the sun would in turn change phases and present different views of Venus. The fact that the phases of Venus are visible not only proves my own beliefs but sheds light upon the validity of the heliocentric model.

The Phases of Venus (Galileo's Findings)
                                                       The Phases of Venus Video

Also, through the use of my newly invented telescope I was able to discover 3 objects which I believe to be orbiting Jupiter, much like my heliocentric belief that the moon orbits our Earth. These 3 objects then turned into 4, and I came into realisation that these objects are moons, and they do orbit Jupiter. I shall name the moons; Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto, after the Medicis. My discovery, has lead to Copernicus's heliocentric model to be the only accurate one in the view of pure science, as the geocentric model states that the Earth and it's moon are not in orbit and if these celestial objects were in orbit the moon would be separated from the Earth. However, through study the changed in positions in the Moon's of Jupiter I am able to prove that moon's do orbit and will come around on a regular and predictable cycle. Thus, the heliocentric model is growing ever more supported. 

Jupiter's Moons as seen by Galileo
Jupiter's Moons and Their Galilean Names
After finding this evidence supporting the Heliocentric model, and with little more research to be done due to my only resource being a low magnifying telescope, I will end my Astronomical Career with the knowledge that I may have very much proved the Heliocentric model put forth by Copernicus, and as he stated “Finally we shall place the Sun himself at the center of the Universe.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Diary Entry 1

Spring 1609

Dear Diary,
I have held the chair of Mathematics at the Universities of Pisa and Padua, I have determined that the distance fallen by a body is proportional to the square of the elapsed time, and thus, perfecting the law of falling bodies and I have had time to reflect upon my work in the area of Mechanics. Since my birth on the 15th of February in 1564, I have accomplished and contributed to the scientific community of the world highly to say the least. However, my highest rated contributions have came in the field of Astronomy heavily aided by the birth of the idea of the telescope, and my own adaptions of the device. I have observed Kepler's Supernova of 1604, discovered the moon's of Jupiter, the phases of Venus, identified sunspots and clearly defined the surface of the moon. However, my largest yet most controversial scientific contribution, is my acceptance, promoting and research of the heliocentric model of the universe. However, despite this being against the church, I Galileo Galilei will not cease to support the models which I know to be correct. My evidence to this being my other discoveries, especially Jupiter and it's moons and the phases of Venus.

I will continue to research my model and allow for discussions to occur.
Galileo Galilei signing out.

Heliocentric Model